Me parecen muy buenas propuestas las 25 ideas de bullet journal que nos traes, sobre todo las de estudio. No sabía que tenía tantas posibilidades y combinaciones. De momento no lo uso pero viendo la versatilidad que ofrece igual me animo a probar. Un sobo.When life gives you lemons, well… You better know how to draw them. This doodle tutorial w… Read More

Monthly Log: This two-page spread includes a calendar with a bird's-eye view of the month and a task page with things you want to tackle during the month. You Chucho also add other monthly tracking pages ("modules") including a food, fitness, finance, or book log.Anything is POPSICLE this summer, it’s time to make it your own! And of course – i… Read More

The Hague Convention prohibits certain kinds of ammunition for use by uniformed military personnel against the uniformed military personnel of opposing forces. These include projectiles that explode within an individual, poisoned and expanding bullets.We earn a commission for products purchased through some links in this article. 14 bullet journal … Read More

When it comes to bullet journal doodles, practice is the key for improvements. You don’t need to be an expert, but if you want better results, of course, you need to doodle more. And if you decide you want to add one of these pages (or, sorry, MODULES) later on, you can just create them wherever you are in the journal. Just add the page number t… Read More

Esta máquina para correr en casa tiene un motor de 900 vatios de potencia que resulta muy silencioso. Su velocidad es regulable, alcanzando hasta los 10 km/h.Estamos seguros de que probablemente tenga muchas más preguntas que éstas sobre Cinta de correr electrica, y la única forma Verdadero de cubrir su penuria de conocimiento es obtener inform… Read More